Dyna-Form® Mercury Advance Demonstrates Ability to Support in Healing Pressure Ulcers

A new study published in Wounds UK has demonstrated that not only does the Dyna-Form® Mercury Advance play a significant role in the prevention of pressure ulcers but also shows an ability to support in the healing of pressure ulcers.

The 100 patient audit at Chesterfield Royal Hospital occurred between May 2016 and April 2017, with inclusion criteria being category 3 and 4 pressure ulcers with a surface area of >5cm² and >50% eschar in the wound bed.

Of the 100 patients placed on a Dyna-Form® Mercury Advance mattress in this audit, 78% had an improvement in their pressure ulcer prior to discharge from the hospital, with an average reduction in surface area of 9cm².

Overall, the results indicated that, in the majority of cases, patients admitted to hospital with existing pressure damage are discharged with pressure ulcers that are progressing towards healing or, as in one case, have achieved complete healing. These results clearly demonstrate the role that the Dyna-Form® Mercury Advance mattress can play in both prevention and healing of pressure ulcers.

The paper concluded:
«One of the key factors the tissue viability team believe played a significant role in improving existing pressure ulceration and also in reducing hospital-acquired pressure ulceration is the implementation of the Dyna-Form® Mercury Advance Hybrid Pressure Mattress across the surgical and medical divisions, allowing ‘at risk’ patients to be ‘stepped up’ to a dynamic system at the point of need, i.e. directly on admission.»

Direct Healthcare Group are proud to support Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust who are improving patient outcomes through effective pressure ulcer prevention and treatment with Intelligent Pressure Care Management®.

For a full copy of the paper, please click here.